Data Science Grants FAQ

Research Goes Red Recruitment


Project Baseline平台使用跨多个渠道的数字广告来接触可能有兴趣参与的个人 Research Goes Red/Project Baseline. 候选人可以通过访问了解更多关于Research Goes Red和open studies的信息 All enrollment and consenting occurs online.

Do I have to do online recruiting?

No. Recruiting initiatives can occur in person, online, through a physician or other trusted advisor, or any way you can imagine. In order to complete enrollment, 参与者必须通过Project Baseline创建在线个人资料并签署电子同意书.


在签署知情同意书之前采取的行动无法获得个人层面的数据. Aggregate data may be available (e.g.(在招聘过程中有多少参与者采取了某种行动). Once a participant has completed an online consent form, 关于她在Baseline平台内的行为的去识别数据可用于分析.


What surveys may be used in the Baseline platform?

The Baseline platform can support a variety of surveys. 申请人应提出最符合其研究假设的调查.


The platform has broad capabilities to deliver content. 以前的一些用途是信息通信(非专业和科学)。, invitations to events, individual and aggregate research results, and newsletters.


该平台可以支持向用户提供有针对性的内容,以便测试内容的有效性, delivery timing, delivery mechanism, etc.



What data am I able to receive from the Baseline platform?

一旦参与者完成了一份加入Research Goes Red的同意书, de-identified, 关于他们的行动和他们在基线平台内完成的任何调查的结果的汇总数据可供分析.

General FAQ

Who do we fund?

我们资助了一些研究人员,他们刚刚起步,正在进行他们的第一个项目. 我们已经资助了超过20个项目的研究人员,包括博士预科和博士后申请者.


What are the funding areas of AHA Data Science?

我们高度重视跨多个领域的跨学科研究,这些领域的提案专注于推进知识, clinical care, or outcomes for people, and are anchored in heart and brain health. We have funded researchers in bioinformatics, clinical research, data science, epidemiology, genetics, nephrology, biostatistics, machine learning, deep learning, 人工智能与新方法论的发展.

I'm a new investigator, 在申请研究经费之前,我需要了解哪些关键因素?

Here are a few pointers to help you along the way:

  • 一定要在你的提案中包括线上电子游戏飞禽走兽表和里程碑.
  • Your cited literature is a separate document.
  • 所有补助金均通过提案中心接收和管理.

Where do I apply for the grant?

Go to ProposalCentral at

Are the grants available to international applicants?

It depends on the grant opportunity. 只要您的机构符合501(c)(3)非营利组织的外国等效决定因素,我们的一些资助就可以在国际上使用. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

May I apply for more than one grant at a time?

Absolutely! Each proposal must be unique so that it can stand on its own.

Do I have to be a member of the AHA in order to apply?

Yes, each applicant must be an AHA Professional Member. 在建议书中心拟备申请时加入或续期; online, or by phone at 301-223-2307 or 800-787-8984. Membership processing takes 3-5 days. Do not wait until the application deadline to renew or join.

Is an appendix allowable?


May I get a carry-over of funds from one year to the next?

Yes. 你需要为任何1万美元或更多的结转提供一个理由.

May I have more than one principal investigator for my award?

There is no limit. However, 考虑到项目的预算和范围,主要研究者的人数应该是合理的.

For applications that require a data access approval letter, is this required if the PI is using his or her own data?

No, it is not. 请确保您在申请中明确数据的所有权.

May I transfer my award to another institution?

这是可能的,取决于RFA和你在奖励上剩下的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. 转帐过程是一个耗时的过程,需要您当前的机构提供财务报告,以便在机构之间正确分配付款.

How can I check the status of my grant application?


Who will review my Institute grant application?



You will receive an email from ProposalCentral.

AHA Precision Medicine Platform




不,我们不允许在AHA精准医学平台上使用PHI或PII. All data must be de-identified before being uploaded.



Other questions, comments, or concerns?

Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Send us an email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you shortly.